Friday, 24 February 2012

Scariest Dream

Personally I love dreams and I’m disappointed if I don’t remember my dream when I wake up the next morning. Most dreams are very pleasant and sometimes they give insights on life. But contrasting those beautiful vivid happy dreams I usually have, I do have some frightening dreams.   Around 2 years ago I had my most terrifying dream. The dream began seeing myself running away from something. My dream was dark, the sun was setting and it took place in a location I’d never seen before.  I don’t remember much detail but I keep running. Then what I was running from finally came into view.  I don’t know how I knew but it became clear to me that I was running away from the devil. He was a man, with a bald head, and a goatee. His eyes were the most disturbing part of him. I continued running and running until I ran up a wooden tower. The tower was very high but it didn’t take me long to get up. The man fallowed me up the tower and pushed me to the edge with no fence. It was there that I was forced to look into his eyes. I have never felt so scared as in that moment. The devil made it clear to me he wanted to kill me. He moved forward and that’s when I thankfully woke up.  I think this dream in some way shows how the devil wants to get all of us away from the safety of God.  Most dreams I forget but this rare one has stayed clear in my mind.


  1. That sounds like a scary dream! I like how you though of the dream as the devil wanting to kill you. I definitely think that sometimes the devil comes into our dreams, while sometimes God tells us stuff through them.
    I love dreams too by the way. I hate it when I forget a dream or just don't dream at all. Actually I kind of keep a dream journal and write weird and funny dream down in it. Then when I look back on it, I laugh and wonder about the weird dreams I've had. It's quite fun!

  2. that sounds really scary. i have also had dreams where the devil tries to kill me, or im in hell and im burning but never dying. i like your insight of what the dream meant, i agree, it makes sense.
